Saturday, June 4, 2011

Moments of truth

Well Folks, last month was quite a month and as I have rolled into June (my bday month :) I find myself more grateful than ever....I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude for life and all that it has brought my way. YUP! With every trial and failure there has emerged beautiful lessons, blessings, relationships, epiphanies, and MOMENTS OF TRUTH! I tweeted this week that I'm turning 29 this month and I've never felt more our society we tend to be viewed as at our "peak" in terms of outward beauty right around our early-mid twenties. Well I've surpassed those years :-) and I am able to see my physical, spiritual, and intellectual beauty all wrapped up together at the tender age of 29. I see it in a way that I wasnt able to in the past. I no longer question why it took so long to get that FULL picture..I just embrace it now that the RIGHT perspective is here. There is much more work to do, but let's just say I'm all the way straight on the that subject now! :-)

I was talking with my mother last night and I think we both came to a few "moment of truths" about our lives separately and as they have overlapped over time. The most precious gift that someone can give to themself is "self-awarness". That's always where the real HEART work and self-examination begins. I'm grateful for the little moments of truth that I experience daily. God speaks in those moments, it's a place of positive brokenness. THIS is what God delights in! Love you all! Let's let big and small moments of truth invade our lives!

Kya :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

The 'Opulence of Transformation

So it's been almost 3 months since my last blog...I have totally been neglecting it.. despite my goals that stated that I would blog 3 times per month..however I believe in the principle of starting over as many times as possible until you get it right...Now that that's out of the way..

HEYYYYYYY Folks! Lots has been going on in my world. Lots of change, transformation, transition. And the beat is surely going on in all of those areas in my life. I've never had this much peace about such an unstable time in my life...when I say unstable I mean that nothing is concrete at all..God has turned my life upside down in the best way, so I'm still tumbling in the dryer of I know that my outcome is going to bring warmth, peace, and a beautiful covering over area of my life, so I'm fine with the instability. Happiness is a prisoner to circumstances, but these days I choose JOY. Everyday I choose to love beyond my comfort zone, and listen to the voice of God regarding what I say to others, and my selftalk. We can totally get in trouble because of what we say to others and ourselves. I also find that I choose to pay attention to the people I hold dear more. I find myself looking for opportunities to encourage, listen, and and just be more in tune. We never know sometimes what a kind word or a "hey, you alright?" can mean to someone. I don't think as much about how often I am the one reaching out or am I keeping tally of who's doing the most in my relationships. I just am finding that my true authentic self loves to love people and just be there for them. I totally gain strength from that. It literally makes my day when I know I've made a friend smile or encouraged them in some way..So I'm feeding that part of me.

Since my last blog I have a new church home. This week while just reflecting over life the past year...I realized that I have a lot of growing up to do as a Christian.. I have been saved since I was 9 and have confessed possessing God's spirit in me since 13 and at 28 I can unequivocally say that I have so much growing to do in the Lord!!! A faithless Christian is not much of a Christian at all, and I know I've lived in fear 85% of my life. So sad, but so true. My pastors make me confront my fears everyday of my life with the word that they teach when I attend church on Sundays. They make me want to be driven to demand and command respect in every area of my life. To never allow myself to feel inferior. To pursue life with passion and authority... and never apologize for it. These are all things that people have to consistently practice in our lives. They make me forget what I look like or have on when I walk through the doors and completely focus on receiving, so that I can give out as much as possible while I'm here on this Earth. I've said enough for this's more to come..and I look forward to sharing my journey with you all! Much love and success to you!

Kya :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Streams of Love

So its the dead of winter...snow is falling, wind is briskly whipping across the tall buildings of NYC, traffic, slippery streets, cars blowing their horns incessantly-- and in the midst of all of that I'm sitting at my computer desk in my cozy little apartment in the Bronx thinking about love.But not just love in romantic relationships, that's what we generally tend to gravitate to in our thoughts..Love in its many and splendid forms... thinking about the different Streams of Love God has provided us with, which is why this blog is entitled "Streams of Love".

So we can share God's love with others in so many different encouraging word, a written piece of work, through physical affection, correction etc. We tend to share our love with those we deem worthy of our love. As we go through life we become very selective of who we dole it out to.In thinking about this subject I asked myself these questions: How do you convince yourself to love the perceived unlovable? Where does that ability stream from?

Many pride themselves on being "ride or die" for the ones they love, and this may be true...but that tenacity and level of commitment has a stream from which it flows..It does not stand alone..because if in fact it many broken relationships would be mended. The provider of that stream is God, and He filters His perfect love out to us through various flows. We may experience His overwhelming presence,He might use a friend/loved one to give us a hug,or He may allow someone else's brokeness and transparency bring illumination to our minds...the list goes on.. The fact remains that God in all His infinite wisdom knew that because we're made in His image that we would need different things to cater to our intricate needs. He made us with a will, the ability to question things, to be able to create and manipulate situations for our desired outcome.

So this year my goal is to use every stream of love God has afforded to me to love those around me...To learn how to not just forgive, but to forget. A lot of us are holding on to things through the perspective of having forgiven..but not forgetting. I'm not saying make the same mistake twice..but don't become so fearful of a repeat of life that there is no room for unscripted wonder to occur. Whether its a text message, a tweet, a facebook status, a song, a book, a painting, playing a game with a friend/family member/stranger etc. Make every day GREAT by utilizing these Streams of Love God has blessed us with! Let's save a life today, Let's inspire someone to try again, let's not just talk about it,let's be about it!

Use Your Stream today!!

Love you all!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rest for the Worrier

Tonight I am blogging with so many wonderful things on my mind...The possibilities are indeed endless for me, and I have hope like never before.. there's something extremely special about resting in the hands of your creator. When you've truly rested you have surrendered all of your will, intellect, and logical thought processes while finding yourself just being in the state that you are in.

I was a CHRONIC the point where it literally controlled every aspect of my life..always worrying that the worst would happen, because I'd often experienced pretty terrible things in the past.. being a slave to the pain of my past because I knew no other way to live......and I was a Christian..going to church every Sunday, ministering, praying for others, and filled with doubt about things ever being "well" for me. So how do you remedy that? It took me losing things I held dear to me emotionally,physically etc. for me to finally break out of the detrimental cycle of worrying...I got tired of receiving exactly what my "stinking thinking" said I would receive. Instead I took the promises of God and made them my own and began to lean on them with my WHOLE heart.

People may often say, that will never be me, or how could you not see your own worth..So much can be said about that...the bottom line is that YOU have the power to "label" yourself in such a way that you literally resist and denounce anything that deems you less than absolutely AMAZING! I know that I'm brilliant simply because God placed me on this Earth, out of the millions that could of been, HE CHOSE ME! Who am I to sit down and accept defeat when God has given me breath, time, and opportunity to effect change with my life? I'd say the same to you all!You're brilliant just because you're here...

The word of God Changed me, when nothing or no one else could help me, HIS love lifted me!! HIS LOVE did what my intellect and greatest reasoning could not do. So, maybe you are finding yourself where I was, stop-take a moment- and think about what God says about you! You are the head and not the tail, you are blessed and favored by God, and He loved you so much that HE literally died for you!! Let His amazing love overwhelm you, so that you can give it to others!!

Keep moving forward in love!

Kiyah :-)