Monday, May 31, 2010

Letting Go

There is such a freedom in letting go,once you finally do it...The struggle is finding the courage and resolve to do so. The hardest part of letting go is making all the necessary preparations and steps in order to do so. Convincing yourself that your loyalty to someone or something stops at a certain point, dealing with the after effects of the vacancy that letting go creates,telling yourself that you really are better off without said person/thing. All of this grueling preparation for that liberating moment when you do what's best for you and your future and not what's best for your here and now.Sometimes we pro-long letting go because it satisfies a temporary desire. It takes maturity, strength of character, and some serious guts to do this. You really have to be completely convinced that it is necessary to let go. If anything in your life is not growing then you need to let it go. God has given you the Holy spirit and intuition, you have a good idea of what you need and what suits you. Granted there are times when the Lord will use someone to be the voice of reason about things that you overlook, but you generally know what you need to do to make things happen in your life.

Don't be afraid of transition. Oh believe me, I know that transitions and letting go can be traumatizing at times. However, the after effects yield such favorable results that you recognize that it is an absolute MUST. Letting go requires daily affirmation, you have to remind yourself on a daily basis why you are doing what you are doing. If you don't do this you will easily slip back into old habits. Whether it's "stinking thinking" or just plain "busy thinking" such as: ruminating about why you didn't do it sooner, what people will think? why me? what am I going to fill that void with? Although these are valid thoughts,when we OVER ANALYZE things we subject our self to the weakness in our own interpretations. Life has a way that is sometimes a great mystery. In order to make sense of this mystery there has to be balance in our thinking about the transitions we go through. Great confidence in our gut is required, but we also have to rely on God to smooth out the path that follows the transition.

The good thing about it all is knowing that you will be stronger, wiser, and better after it's all been said and done. Letting go is an amazing feeling, it frees you from worry, the mother of stress LOL. God loves us and knows us best and if He brings us to it, He will bring us through it.

Love Yall Much!
:-) Kiyah


Linda Onita Hardin-Atkins said...

ISBN: 978-1-60911-248-6

Press Release: :April 19,2010

Wonderful! There is power in letting-go

kya said...

thanks for reading :-)