Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In thinking about my life, the experiences of those around me, and my private conversations with God-the subject of CHARACTER keeps popping up in my head.

Character is defined as: moral or ethical quality.

Okay so, if your moral and ethical quality is shaky then that translates into your actions being as such. Like, somebody might appear to be wonderful and everything you think you might want, but if you watch closely...I mean if you really really observe they will inadvertently show you who they are...Most often us single folks think that we have to be longsuffering when it comes to romantic relationships...I beg to differ when we consider CHARACTER and our Precious futures..when someone repeatedly shows you that their character needs MAJOR development it is not our job to fix that..nor do we have to wait around when they clearly dont want to progress ....THIS ONLY APPLIES TO SINGLE FOLK..LOL...Married folk u already know u just gotta deal with a praying heart(again depending on the severity of the circumstances)

Now if this person is working to improve their character then Amen!This is a GROWING relationship, where TRUE love can be realized. But if not, we really dont have the time to waste..My Bishop calls it "fixation of character" you can absolutely love someone whose character is "SUSPECT"(lol) but that does not mean you have to endure the emotional abuse that comes along with them trying to get a grip on their "out of control" life. You can def pray for them, but their heaviness and burdens should not become yours...unless you feel "equipped" enough to endure(2eachhisown)

For Example:Simple things like if they are never willing to extend their expressions of love, care, or concern first- then they clearly have a problem with rejection.They also are selfish. I say this because a selfish person says "I'll wait to see what you do before I'm gonna do what I do". They may very well have no problem expressing themselves after that, but it's only because they were not the primary risk-taker. Had to raise my hand and say ouch. It's just like when someone truly offends you and when u see them instead of you saying "hi" first you look away...We tell ourselves we not speaking cause they aren't... the real deal is that we dont want to deal with REJECTION, especially from someone who has already wronged us.

GOOD CHARACTER SAYS:I'm not gonna send her/him that text because I know I have no intentions on following up with that...let me stop think and PAUSE..Just cause I'm feeling lonely at this moment doesnt mean I need to cause her/him many moments of confusion and pain...
GOOD CHARACTER SAYS: As much as I wanna go there and do this or do that. I know that I have to first set my house in order

GOOD CHARCATER SAYS: Although I'm hurting I'm not going to take it out on you..I'm going to protect you, love you, and be well intentioned toward you
GOOD CHARACTER: Corrects a wrong doing

Much more I could say, but I just thank God for how he's unfolding things to me...COMPASSION is an amazing expression of love. Unfortunately some people are abusers of compassion.It is imperative that we be balanced in our approach to people..Knowing when a season is over and also being open to receive new blessings and embrace new seasons.
My prayer is that my character would mirror God's and that as I repent before Him, and live my life according to His will that my moral and ethical qualities would remain in tact while I am displaying love and compassion for those around me.

Love you all much! =) XOXOXOXO