Thursday, March 25, 2010

Back to Basics

Hey Yall! So I'm reading the bible through the year...I am still in Genesis..LOL..but I'm getting there. Well I've read the story of ABRAHAM and SARAI many times, but as I read it this week my mind started traveling. Sarai and Abram were given the promise about a child, Sarai decided to take matters into her own hands and Abram unwittingly followed suit. But just focusing on Sarai, she's a woman and I can relate to her more, she became anxious and faithless, and her lack of self control impacted more than just her life. Ishmael ended up being fatherless, and Hagar was completely denied the right to choose what to do with her own body. Who knows, Sarai's and Abram's decision may have been what ended up delaying the promise of a child for more than 4 years after Ishmael was born. Taking matters into our own hands delays and blocks blessings. God will still bless us, but just imagine if we'd waited patiently, at the proper time the blessing would have manifested, it would have saved us a lot of heartache and pain. So many lessons in this for me. Mostly self-examination, it is so important that we check in with God about who we say we are and what we are actually doing. he knows us through and through. He knows our hearts and secret conversations. He will tell us the real deal about who we really are.
Leave room for error, meaning know that you are wrong sometimes and it's okay not to be perfect. Say what you mean, express yourself in love, and keep it moving when it comes to hard things. It's important not to brush over things, but it is also important that you address a matter and then move on. Forgive and yes forget. I think that's the better principal. when you endeavor to forget then you're doing as God does. Once you repent He forgets it and casts it in the sea, where its washed away.
In reading through Genesis God is showing me, how little areas of disobedience turn into major life interruptions. Let's make a vow to try to minimize those things that stifle our progress and growth. let's agree to disagree, and still show each other love. Let's go back to basics and use what works to effectively spring forward!



Tuesday, March 23, 2010


There is a certain freedom that comes with freeing order to get free, you have to free yourself, you know what I mean? Dont stuff your truths to mask your secret will only cause that pain to grow and grow and grow some more. Let God reveal it to you in it's entirety, so that He can heal it.The day you release yourself from your securities is the day that you really start living. Love you for you, and then someone else will truly love you for you!

love yall much,