Saturday, November 27, 2010


Soooo :-) it's been super long since I have written a blog...Mainly because I like to process before I put things out there in the atmosphere. Well I have A LOT to say, but I will not say it all in this particular blog. A few things though. This has been an amazing 5 months! It's been filled with highs, lows, and a bevy of lessons. The people that God has placed in my life have literally spoken life and blessings over me, and it's my duty to embrace it all and walk out my dreams. There's a song that is dear to my heart by PJ Morton. One line says "somebody's waiting for you, waiting for me, destiny..." It's absolutely true! If we don't release what God has blessed us with to this world we have forfeited our TRUE lives. There are people that only you will touch and inspire...people that need the word that God has given you to proclaim.God has shown me that my ability to focus needed to be perfected in all areas.. I can be focused about this or that, but not in other areas. However excellence demands that deliberate focus be pervasive in all areas of my life. So in order to always operate in excellence focus and resolve have to be the foundation of all of my efforts..

I am 28 years old and there are so many things that I felt should have happened at this stage in my life...after having a conversation with my younger sisters on Thanksgiving I know that I've embraced where I am. It doesn't mean I'm not going to strive for better and more, it just means that I am content with the plan that God has for my life. It's so easy to become discontented and become purely emotional in your life decisions. I'm glad that I experienced all that I have this year because it showed me areas in my life that I needed to address and attack with the word of God. There's more but I'll save it!! Let's keep loving God, people, life, and making our dreams happen under God's direction. However the Lord uses you to reach folks, USE YOUR GIFTS!! We need you and we need your gifts! :-)

Love ya!


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